This course discusses money laundering through trade activities. As measures are undertaken to curb the menace of ML/TF/PF through formal financial services and institutions, organized Criminal Groups and Professional Money Launderers are looking at other avenues to legitimize the proceeds of the illegal activities. As such trade activities are undertaken to transfer value obtained from illicit activities in one jurisdiction to another thus obfuscating the illicit origins of the funds. This course will discuss the following and at the end of the course participants will have a fair idea of how TBML works, what to look our for and how to develop measures to curb this crime from being perpetrated through their institutions. It will also include knowledge of the following
• What is Trade-Based Money Laundering?
• Tarde-Based Terrorist Financing (TBTF)
• Goods used for Trade-Based Money Laundering and Trade-Based Terrorist Financing (TBML/TBTF)
• Trade-Based Money Laundering Methodologies
• TBML/TBTF Risk Indicators
• Account and transaction activity risk indicators
• Trade document and commodity risk indicators
• Trade activity risk indicators
• Corporate structure risk indicators
• TBML Prevention & Control Measures