
Anti-Money Laundering, Terrorism & Proliferation Financing - A Foundations Course (AML/CFT/PF 101)

This course is designed for beginners who work in financial institutions, regulatory bodies, law enforcement agencies, and other organizations that are subject to AML/CFT regulations. It is also suitable for a diverse array of professionals with general interest in AML/CFT seeking to deepen their understanding.
Individual Outcomes:
At the end of this course participants would develop an understanding of the:

a. Basic concepts of money laundering, terrorist financing and proliferation financing as well as the global threats posed by the trio menace, and their impact on the integrity and stability of the financial system.

b. International standards and recommendations set by the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) to combat money laundering, terrorist financing, and proliferation financing.
c. Role of international organizations, (such as the International Monetary Fund (IMF), World Bank, Egmont Group of Financial Intelligence Units, and United Nations), in supporting the implementation of AML/CFT/CPF measures.
d. Money laundering methods/techniques employed using various schemes.
e. Various ML/TF sources of data used to gather evidence for ML/TF/PF risk assessment and internal investigations.
f. Five (5) pillars of an AML/CFT compliance program, compliance function in a financial Institution, and the Individual legal and regulatory compliance obligations and that of the financial institution.
g. Building and maintaining ethical standards and ensuring compliance independence & objectivity.
h. Implications of non-compliance and a host of other preventive measures to ensure a sound footing of compliance culture within the financial institution.
  • Module 1 - Introduction to ML_TF_PF.
  • Module 2 - International Measures to Combat ML/TF/PF
  • Module 3 - Nigeria’s Response to the fight against ML_TF_PF.
  • Module 4 - Establishing an AML_CFT_PF Compliance Program.
  • Module 5 - Building an Effective Compliance Framework for an Efficient Complia..
  • Module 6 - Transaction Monitoring, Prioritizing and Reporting STRs
  • Module 7 - RBA and Automated AML_CFT_CPF Solution
  • Final Test
Completion rules
  • All units must be completed
  • Leads to a certificate with a duration: Forever